Friday, September 8, 2017

Thoughts on turning 60 and an adventure.

Thoughts on turning 60  and an adventure.

The only confirmed idea - no big parties ; no gala jubilation.

Because like good old wine
wisdom is the product of aging in casks.

One has to really age to mature and realise-
all what were celebrated as accomplishments,
were just blessings with capital letter 'b'.
and all what was considered lost were just a chimera.
Young people will find it hard to understand - life is like that.

A family reunion was the only confirmed plan.
A road trip was also considered as part of it.
But our son came up with another idea - a much longer trip.

Cross continental road-trip, is no cake walk.
Will take a toll, on mind and body.
Jessy will be with us at least for a good part of the trip-
if not from start to finish.
See, we both take good care of the family-silver.

May also be a good time to restart my blog.
It was in the deep freezer since a long while.
Once it had good readership - mostly friends.
At least they were kind enough to tell me, they enjoyed it.
I"ll let you know. Here is the id.

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