Sunday, February 10, 2013

West Wind to Hawaii

Aloha !   If everything goes as planned my son and I would be in Hawaii, next week. He lives in Norwalk, Connecticut and I on the foot hills of the Western Ghats in southern tip India. 
This is something we planned for a while, but could not accomplish because I had all the time and more, but  he was short of it. !!
This time we forced open the opportunity come what may.

To me it is fun to travel with him because our likes and preferences  on several factors are so much alike;  but that doesn't mean we don’t argue on differences; we do -  and these debates,  have a settled  quality, which I relish even more. I learn from any one with a convincing point,  which he has in abundance.

The islands of Hawaii are  at about center of the Pacific Ocean, some 17 time zones behind India; that as  a new day breaks open at mid-night in Thodupuzha, it will be 8:30  AM of the previous day in Honolulu - Hawaii's capital. A non-stop flight from New York to Honolulu will take 10 hours to touch down. Added to the  twenty from Kochi to New York, it is 30 hours of confinement for me. 
Yet I look forward to it  with an ardent heart.
Here are a few pics of the archipelago. Courtesy Google earth & travel brochures.

 Expanse of the Pacific, that fills half the globe.

Like a speck-
  on the top left of the ocean, far north to the frozen continent Antarctica.
Hawaii as seen from the outer space.

 Closer satellite view of the major islands of the archipelago.

 The farmers residence, in the southern tip of India.

most common and the cheapest way to hop between the islands.

  clear waters, pristine beaches

calm & serene
 wild life and out door activities.
 wind surfers paradise
 Waikiki beach in Honolulu, the capital.
The  book I read long ago,
my first detailed, arm chair exposure to Hawaii - its history & people.
Prime mover behind this trip.

and once again
Aloha  !
Aloha in the Hawaiian language means affection, peace, compassion and mercy.

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