Wednesday, September 7, 2011

At the Leaning Tower

As was mentioned in a previous post there is more to Pisa than the renowned tower. Yet tower is like the cherry on the ice cream; the main draw. Below is a gif with 3 typical Pisa images
This is the Google Map screen shot of train route we took to the city.

Without English it is difficult to get by in Italy. Our friend Sr. Philsy is fluent in this tongue.

Through the gate of the historic city wall the glimpse of the tower.
To go up the tower you have to go to the ticket office to buy your tickets, if you haven't already pre-purchased them there is usually a two hour wait. So get your tickets as soon as you arrive then buy  some souvenirs from near by kiosks or visit the church while you wait your turn.

The tower leans far more than I had imagined, especially if you take the view from the street behind as it lets you use normal buildings to see just how much the lean is.
 Venician Mask

 The area around the cathedral and tower is beautiful and can easily take several hours.
The Pisa tower is one of the four buildings that make up the cathedral complex in Pisa, called Campo dei Miracoli or Piazza dei Miracoli, which means Field of Miracles.
The work on the leaning of the Tower began in 1173. Thanks to the soft ground, it had begun to lean by the time its builders reached the third story, in 1178. Its architect and engineer tried to correct this by making the remaining storeys shorter on the side - but to no avail. It kept leaning more and more. Over the next 800 years, it became clear the 55-metre tower wasn't just learning but was actually falling at a rate of one to two millimetres per year. At one stage, the Tower of Pisa was more than five metres [ 5.5 degrees] off perpendicular.

After the restoration work performed between 1990 and 2001, the lean of 5.5 degrees, is now at about 3.99 degrees. This means that the top of the tower is displaced horizontally 3.99 metres (12 ft 10 in) from its base; returning to its AD 1838 position. The tower is safe for another 200 years.

No visitor, leaves Pisa without the photographic evidence of   the  support  given by them to the leaning tower.  Here is the contribution of Idukki District, India.

The city of Pisa is on the banks of the Arno River. During the Middle Ages the city grew as a great economic and political power due to its port and powerful army and so began its golden artistic period.

Hungry and tired a refreshment in a food joint  near the station before the journey back to Rome.

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