Monday, August 29, 2011

Colosseum -Part II - Our Visit July 31, 2011

Generally  tourists spend half a day in this historical site, as Rome is full of such pulls.
Any way I made two visits, this being the first.
I am overwhelmed by history. My fascination was ignited long ago by one of my Professors of English, C J Thomas who taught us Shakespeare's  Julius Caesar, in his own inimitable style. Ever since  I harbour an appreciation for Brutus, the ultimate democrat. I desire to see the Great Forum where it all happened 2000 years ago; where the mighty Caesar fell. But it is another site quite near to Colosseum.  I will take my companion there to narrate what ever little I know about the place.
The picture below is taken as we came out of the Colosseum metro station, from just across the road. You can spot the station on the metro line map in my post " getting around Rome'. [browse the blue line].

Feel of the cobbled street, the feel of history

Nero's palace once stood here.

Two walls, inner and outer. A good part of the outer is gone.

The entrance- we have Roma Pass - No queue for us.

Wonder and/or admiration ?

Depositing 5 Euro one can get a recorded handset, that at pertinent points along the route, narrate the olden tale in all its awe. Better than a guide who speak English with  Italian accent.

Up to the first level, where emperors and the  nobles occupied prime viewing.

Wow ! Made it at last, the first view.
The wooden floor re-constructed above the hypogenum, that kept animals and gladiators till the tryst with death. And above- the galleries where people of Rome cheered in wanton delight ; (delirium ?)

hypogenum - tunnels, prisoner and animal cages , drainage ....

Emperor's wiew

Wooden platforms are long gone but the walls have survived the ravages of man and nature.
Second tire reserved for the rich and the famous, traders, money changers.

Seeing the Colosseum is work.

Here a tired Indian seeks rest on an ancient stone. But I have two more levels to go before I come back here; and a second trip around this tier.

Visit continues Part III.

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