Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The photo I stumbled on to,  in  my student Vishnu's Facebook Page. Plus a tribute of affection to all my students

Dear Vishnu and All My Fond Students,

i took a closer look at the image vishnu  posted and others commented.
good picture
who shot this one?

after being here for 32+ years
i am retiring this year.
leaving-  proud of the time, well spent here.
that is why the scene caught my attention.
the pic and its caption tell a story which no words  can convey.
of my commitment & regards for  you -
but  more so- of  your affection for me.
in our own  terminology - a good ROI - return on investment.
what more can a commerce professor ask for?

amazingly, the pic depicts my current phase of life.
the sun is in the west- the late afternoon.
but it  has a yet some way to go before it sets.
and i am going home.
shoulder held up; alone, along the path traveled a thousand times.
perhaps you could discern an unconcerned abandon in my  stride.
I'm walking out of a shadow;
but casts behind my shadow on the yard.
this  is what we all do.
when the time comes we move on,
in an organization we are just as permanent as our shadow.
it is in the minds of people we leave our  imprint.
as your teacher and of thousands of others-
this is  my reward, prize and laurel.

glad I  discovered  this photo on vishnu's face book
if i had the original would have  kept it in my pc.

proud to know, my students are fond of  me.
thanks my dearest students,
from now on, you are my young  friends,
May God Bless You and Keep You - for a long long time.
May our divine relationship endure a long time too.
and may  life lead you to its  blissful shores.

sadly, the beautiful fig tree is no longer there.
cut down and thrown mercilessly  into fire.
mainly because, it was beneath its shade
our students took refuge from the burning sun,
sharing the joys and pangs of everyday life.
and then the axe fell on the fruit-bearing shade tree.
what can one say of such piteous absurdity?
so in some strange ways i am also glad,
that it's time to go home.

I thank each one of you for having been nice to me.

thomas sar.

regrettably -  i am irregular on facebook & social media - sorry kids.
yet, don't forget to  keep in touch.